
Edit Task: SetPossibilityTimeImports


SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' SetPossibilityTimeImports '<PossibilityName>' <# File Imports> '<File2>' '<File2>' ... '<FileN>'


The SetPossibilityTimeImports attribute under EditTask imports window files for the task possibility defined. If multiple files are used, then the time sets from each file are intersected, not unioned.

For more information on parameters, see the Window File Import page.


PossibilityNameA string of text with a comma delimited list of resources in the possibility, surrounded by single quotes. Order is not required and the resource names should not be in quotes.
# File ImportsAn integer value that indicates the number of file definitions contained within the command.
FileN A string of text in single quotes of the full path name for the file that is being imported.


Import 2 times for a possibility

SCHED / EditTask 'TaskA' SetPossibilityTIMEImports 'ResA' 2 'C:\inputs\Times1.txt' 'C:\inputs\Times2.txt'